Events Happy 2002! Our 2001-year at Deland Wesleyan was great! With our (brother) Pastor Carl Rogers Ordination, revival meetings, mission giving and offerings growth, Shine Florida, and new additions to our family! I pray this year will be even more prosperous for our Lord's Kingdom as well as our small congregation! Thank you all for your humble service to the Lord Jesus! |  |
Church News We our praising God for the growth of our congregation, spiritually as well as physically. The renovations and additions to the church are just about to begin. In another month or so we will have added capacity to the sanctuary, as well as a new look to the outside of the church. Let us not forget as we grow, that the internal( in this case the people) is much more important than the external (building). We ask that all readers, would join us in prayer as well as praise to our Father for this and his continued guidance. Thank you!
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